Graceful Transitions Meditation

Transition from work & be fully present with your kids.

This is a perfect, do anywhere, anytime meditation for transitioning between work and family life in your day.

Connect with God and allow him to gracefully guide you through peacefully detaching your mind from work and opening your heart to being present for your loved ones.

A 6-minute meditation to use any time you need it.

  • Create a simple habit to help you leave work behind & surrender it all to God.
  • Emerge fully present for your family.
  • Great for homeschool transitions too!

I'm Deannna Mason, and I help mom entrepreneurs exchange business burnout with rest, part-time hours, and full-time income.

I've done entrepreneurship two different ways - my own way and God's way. Doing things God's way has definitely been my path to greater peace and fulfillment, and allowing him to guide me in taking care of myself has made all the difference.

If I had to pick one of my most effective business tools, it wouldn't be social media, email lists, or funnels. Creating healthy rhythms of rest have been vital in building my business, and now I teach other moms how to do the same thing.

Quiet your busy thoughts and gracefully transition from work to being fully present with your kids.

Listen to the meditation now.

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