5 Daily Prayers for Mompreneurs

Keep God first in your business with prayer.

  • Ask God for His open doors and divine relationships.
  • Pray for the income you desire without feeling guilty.
  • Attack fear and strengthen your confidence with scriptures.
  • Keep your motives in line with God's heart for your business.

God wants you to invite Him into your work in a deeper way, and these 5 prayers will help you do it.

5 mompreneur-inspired guided prayer devotionals to use in your quiet time.

"This is so good!" ~@iambrittanyturner

"Amazing, I love the prayer for my Customers." ~@thekingdomfemaleexchange

"Oh my gosh, this is so awesome, and something I need to do more [of]!" ~@brennamcgowanco

I'm Deannna Mason, and I help mom entrepreneurs take the purpose God is calling them into and create stable income for their homes.

I've done entrepreneurship two different ways - my own way and God's way. Doing things God's way has definitely been my path to greater peace and fulfillment, and praying for my business is what has kept me focused on the things that actually matter the most.

If I had to pick my most effective business and marketing tool, it wouldn't be social media, email lists, or funnels. Relationships have been vital in building my business, and that includes continuing to nurture my most important one - my relationship with God. Guess what? These prayers are where it all begins.

Pray for your business in less than 5 minutes a day.

The Creator of the Universe wants to create with you, and it starts with prayer.

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